PHP for Beginners 2023: Build Complete Ecommerce Store


PHP for Beginners 2023: Build Complete Ecommerce Store

Create Professional (E-Book) Ecommerce Store with Payment and Admin Panel in PHP MySQL Bootstrap and PDO

Free for Limited Enrolls

Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey with me? In this course, you'll learn how to build an incredible e-commerce web app in under 9 hours. We'll begin by setting up the database and preparing the design using Bootstrap. Afterwards, we'll display the products neatly and dynamically. We'll also tackle the most challenging part of the project: the cart. In the cart, users will be able to add, update, and delete products without refreshing the page, utilizing Ajax-JQuery. We'll also process the payment with Stripe and allow users to check out and place orders. The web app will also feature an authentication system and categories so users can easily find what they're looking for. Of course, we won't forget the admin panel. We'll create admins and allow them to log in and manage categories. We'll also handle products in the admin panel. This includes hashing passwords, validations, and more. If this sounds like something you're interested in, get the course now! With this course, you'll gain a plethora of knowledge and become a better programmer. Your CV will get a boost and you'll have the skills to create a professional store. So, don't delay. Get this course and level up your development skills with new techniques. See you inside!

Who this course is for:

People who learned PHP and MySQL and want to build a full project Developers who want to build their CVs Aspiring programmers who want to level up their development skills with new techniques Developers who want to create a professional store and get a programming job


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